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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptySun 20 Nov 2016, 04:50

i see a lot of things on the site made for NV a lot more than fallout 4 and i havent played any NV so do u guys/gals recommend it
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptySun 20 Nov 2016, 05:48

Fallout 3 / 4 They are Fun games they offer you *fun* its a roller coaster , you shoot things , you use power armor , you romance people , you cannot shoot said romance people thoe

Fallout New Vegas is That One Old Almost Planescape Tourment Like game from the 90s that looks like System Shock but plays like your old Max Payne 1 oh and you can shoot the said romance people , you can shoot everyone as long as they dont kill you first

just buy the game sale should come along soon theres bads and goods
Really Depends on what your cup of tea is

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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptySun 20 Nov 2016, 06:13

I highly recommend it

Although I recommend it because I've been playing since it's release, it might come across as outdated to new players (nothing ENBs and mods can't fix)

There isn't much modded content for Fallout 4 i've read due to the unstable GECK (Important modding tool) and quite a number of the most talented modders' hearts are still with New Vegas, Fallout 4 gets boring. I myself have bought all the DLCs for FO4, yet only got as far as the first one, nothing compells me to go back and play it.

Granted Fallout 4 looks better and is newer, but that's it. New Vegas has richer story, characters, locations and general feel; the immersion is far higher.

And the amount of mods available you can make New Vegas, I dare say, look just as good as Fallout 4

Bethesda are good with creating Maps, but Obsidian (develops of NV) are better at everything else.

I hope this helps with your decision Thumbs Up

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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: splited double topic   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptySun 20 Nov 2016, 07:24

In my opinion it depends on what you are looking for. If you want a true RPG experience were your decisions and actions matter then Fallout NY is king as well as have a much better story then Fallout 4. But if you want better game play and more of a FPS type with dumb down RPG elements with fallout 4.

I personally think Fallout NY is a much better game.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptySun 20 Nov 2016, 07:29

thanks for replies i do care for the story and for the immersion
fallout 4 kinda lacks that, the first time i played a couple of the main quests i stopped caring and went to do some side quests, ever since that i mod and mod till i cant, it felt shallow and a bit boring not like fallout 3 which i have fond memories of.
so i will be getting it and can u guys recommend me some immersive mods, that would be great
and btw it is not that big of a deal but it always bothers me that in 3rd person games the characters dont pull the trigger when they shoot just like FO4 is it true that NV has that, a friend told me so i would like some clarification thanks
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptySun 20 Nov 2016, 07:37

Fallout New Vegas offers the freedom that 4 sadly lacks. There are significantly more ways you can take the quests which makes it feel like what you did actually meant something. Also it makes your character feel unique as you start with a blank canvas rather than a parent with a lost child. Fo4 gameplay wise is a lot more polished although its nothing mods can not fix.

You can pick FNV up in a steam sale for about $10 so its definitely worth a try.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyMon 21 Nov 2016, 17:15

I played both fallout 4 and nv, and i enjoyed new vegas more mostly because of the freedom it gives u, for example fallout 4 lacks replayability while nv you can just play the game a thousand times and do it diferently every way, i leaves you with that desire of wanting to play more and more.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyMon 21 Nov 2016, 17:21

Pick up NV for now and wait for another year until you buy FO4(Cheaper price and more weapon mods are out then + quest mods)
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyMon 21 Nov 2016, 19:36

I love both games, but FNV is the much better game. It has a much better story, better RPG mechanics, and better writing. FO4, while I do still enjoy the story, gameplay, and atmosphere, the game lacks horribly in RPG mechanics by having you play a preset character and not having the full freedom of creating your own. Definitely buy FNV with all it's DLC. The Ultimate Edition is dirt cheap at times during sales and it is worth every penny. The modding community nowadays is really slow and not much action goes on, but the upcoming quest mod The Frontier may change that. Also, the mods for FNV are amazing. FO4, I would recommend when it gets a sale. You should wait a little while longer so that mods can really get popping. The mods for FO4 are really great as well, great enough that it can still get you playing in my opinion.

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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyMon 21 Nov 2016, 20:12

New Vegas offers far more freedoms that 4 doesn't offer. Such as the choice to be evil, better character building, better quests, better companions, etc. The modding scene is still active, but slower with new releases since the release of 4 last year. But there still are excellent mods available for download and an active community on the internet.

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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyTue 22 Nov 2016, 03:12

Aaaah New Vegas, granted I'm still hammering Fallout 4 but New Vegas has the key to my ticker.
I wish Bethesda would just stick to the 'physical' aspects and let Obsidian develop the stories and characters...
Also, as mentioned before, Fallout: The Frontier, a huge quest mod is on it's way for New Vegas along with another entitled, Project Brazil. New Vegas for me will never be uninstalled...

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Fallout 4 or NV? BrEbUoi
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyTue 22 Nov 2016, 04:26

I would have to go with the masses on this one and fully agree. While FO4 isn't exactly a terrible game, NV is just plain superior.

FO4 forces you more on set things that NV just simply doesn't. Not to spoil anything but one of the dlc's for example is jut plainly set on being the "bad guy", you can be the good guy but that pretty much ends the entire dlc story wise. That is if you plan to go good from the start and not half way through the dlc.

When I finished that DLC the "good guy" approach I just didn't feel like starting FO4 all over again. because the lack of the advanced freedom you had in FNV. So I hopped right back in as soon as I was done with every DLC in FO4.

Not to mention so far the mods are far better on NV than for FO4. I'll play it again sure but not anytime soon. Sure there are great weapon and armour mods for FO4 but I want new encounters, more quests you know.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 08:38

New Vegas is quite literally my favourite video game, ever, both in part to the game itself and the mods surrounding it; I'd highly suggest anyone who enjoys RPGs or open world exploring play it.

It's definitely a different feel, though, I mean, I never could muster the motivation to play a whole Fallout 4 play through, despite having nearly 2k hours clocked in the Mojave, so it's definitely possible to like one and not so much the other, but I can only stress that NV is well worth giving a whirl.

I hope I'll get a huge desire to play F4 and mod it to the divide and back in the future, purely to see all that Fallout content I haven't yet seen, but it's New Vegas for me until that day.

You seemed to have concerns about weapon animations, so I suggest looking up Weapon Animation Replacers and the Enhanced Camera Compatibility Pack, it's some quality stuff.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 11:27

i recommend fallout nv because you have more freedom in choices and its more a RPG with fps mechanics while fallout 4 its a FPS with some rpg elements in nv you can bee a Evil character while in fallout 4 meeh... not realy the story of nv its realy good and i like more the nv dlcs too like old world blues and i think nv wave more guns than fallout 4(vanilla) give it a shot and if you like fallout nv probably will like fallout 3 too XD if you have 3 and nv download the tales from two wastelands mod to combine the 2 games and make a epic jorney.from the start of your birth fo3 to the end of NV

Fallout 4 or NV? Ban_fl12
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 11:54

Both games are extremely cool, have unique features and deserve special attention.

Fallout NV is a great RPG in the atmosphere of the Wild West and the post-apocalyptic retro-futurism. There are many stories and quests, the outcome of which depends on the player, many amusing and surprising situations. It is also have a very cool DLCs, with different style and features. Of course, given that the FNV is an RPG, many mechanics, such as shooting, not as good as it can be. However, today many of the problems can be corrected through a variety of mods.

Fallout 4 mechanics closer to games such as Mass Effect. It is full of stories and characters, but only a few may surprise you. Mechanics greatly improved and reworked, it became convenient to play. The great advantage is a delightful visual style and design. Of course, new fallout is a good game, but I'm certainly expecting more from it.

New Vegas is definitely worth playing, it's a great experience.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 11:59

Fo4 does not stand a chance against the unique experience delivered from open choices , proper skill tree , good dlc.
And great mods instead of endless weapon/armor mods
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 17:00

New Vegas by far IMO. Fallout 4 is way too on rails and removed so many things I loved such as the skills and traits. Of course I loved the new companions in Fallout 4 as well as seeing the reactions each one had when you switch them for another companion. Oh and settlement building was an awesome concept but Bethesda very poorly implemented it. Also I very much enjoy creating backstories for my characters in New Vegas (my favorite being a dumb hulking antisocial brute that shunned guns and beat things to death) but Fallout 4 threw that out the window for the most part. So in my eyes, Fallout 4 had some good strengths but was overshadowed almost entirely by New Vegas.
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 19:30

Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game. Its replayable (for a lot of reasons), the quests are fun and humorous, it can get dark, you can play how you want.

I feel like, you can enjoy Fallout 4 if you enjoy the sandbox gameplay more. If you want to roleplay... you'll need to play the story exactly how Bethesda wants you to play: Good guy that doesn't turn anyone (or quests) down. I could rant on why FO4 is hard to enjoy...

Or just enjoy the mods made for Fo4.

Fallout 4 or NV? Genjis10
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PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyWed 30 Nov 2016, 22:05

The first Fallout game I ever played is Fallout 4. The game is really nice and the Far Harbor DLC has a cool environment.

That said, a few months back I started playing Fallout New Vegas and I gotta say I agree with the general opinion. Fallout New Vegas is a much cooler game, I really like the environment, the freedom to create your character w/o having some sort of preset, like it was in Fallout 4. You can also overhaul new vegas so it plays with better mechanics and looks updated in graphics.
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Fallout 4 or NV? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fallout 4 or NV?   Fallout 4 or NV? EmptyThu 01 Dec 2016, 10:32

i Started with fallout 3 then NV,then got the edition with the 1,2 and Tactics and then i got the Van Buren TecDemo and then 4, with the newer Engine i enjoy NV the most , but thanks to all modders out there i can iron out the stuff and play TTW =) i absolutely cannot get into 4, i´m honest, i dont like it,okay,lot´s of weapon modifications and new power armors but that was it, thanks to the modding community you can enjoy a much better and deeper roleplaying ,just get NV and 3 and then TTW and be a real badass or an angel =)

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